第 44 课:Pitt and Aniston Sue over Ring 彼特和安妮斯顿戒指的烦恼
One of Hollywoods's most glamorous couples is going to court and it's all about their wedding rings. 好莱坞最有魅力的夫妇之一准备走上法庭,这全是因为他们的结婚戒指。

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston wanted to be absolutely sure that the rings would never be copied but they've discovered that replicas are on sale across America. So now they're suing the jewelers for a mere $50 million. 布莱德·彼特和詹妮弗·安妮斯顿要确保戒指不被模仿,但他们却发现复制品的销售几乎遍及美国。所以他们现在向珠宝商索赔五千万美元。

He's 37, she's 32 and their celebrating their first wedding anniversary with a $50 million lawsuit. When Brad met Jennifer the world wanted to watch the wedding but the million-dollar event was sealed off to all but family and of course selected friends. 他三十七岁正当年,而她芳龄三十二,他们准备用来庆祝第一个结婚周年纪念的却是一场五千万美元的官司。当布莱德遇见詹妮弗,整个世界都想看看他们百万美元的豪华婚礼,但除了他们的家人和几个好友,其他人却都没有机会一饱眼福。

Those guests did get a close look at the matching rings of white golden diamonds inscribed Brad and Jen, designed by the groom and made by an exclusive Italian jeweler. 这些宾客的确有机会近观新人的一对镶有钻石的白金戒指,上面刻有“布莱德”和“詹妮”的字样,由布莱德亲自设计,一个高级意大利珠宝商制造。

Brad and Jen said that the designs were not to have been reproduced. They weren't therefore too pleased to find copies of their rings advertised on Damiani International's web site and on sale at selected stores in California. 布莱德和詹妮希望设计不被仿造,当他们在达米阿尼的国际网站上发现戒指复制品的广告,以及加利福尼亚的一些商店在销售戒指复制品时,他们大为恼火。

Lawyers say Damiani have unfairly used the stars to achieve publicity money couldn't buy. As they await a response Brad Pitt and his wife have other things on their minds. Jennifer Aniston is expecting a baby early next year. 他们的律师称,达米阿尼不公平地利用了明星的名气来获得金钱所达不到的知名度。当他们在等待这场官司的结果时,布莱德·彼特和他的妻子还期盼着另外一件事——詹妮弗·安妮斯顿将在明年早些时候生下一个宝宝。