第 45 课:Anna Kournikova Gets Married 网坛美少女嫁作他人妇

It's enough to send men worldwide rushing for counseling. According to reports from Moscow, Anna Kournikova, beauty model, tennis player, has married her boyfriend Sergei Fedorov in Moscow. 这条消息足以让全世界的男人都去找心理医生。据莫斯科报道,网球美少女安娜·库尔尼科娃已和男友瑟戈·费多拉夫在莫斯科结婚。

Anna Kournikova is the darling of male tennis fans. She's young, she's good looking, she's rich. She was single but it seems no longer. 安娜·库尔尼科娃是男性网球迷的梦中情人。她年轻貌美,富有而且单身—当然现在似乎已经结束了。

This man has become the envy of Kournikova admirers. The sort of reported marriage to Sergei Fedorov was witnessed by just a handful of people. 而费多拉夫则成了库尔尼科娃众多崇拜者的众矢之的。库尔尼科娃与瑟戈·费多拉夫的婚礼只有少数人见证。

It would be a merger of sporting millions. He? an ice hockey star in the United States. She is the most marketable player in womens tennis. 这是身价百万的两大体育明星的结合—他是一名美国冰球明星,而她则是女子网球最具商业价值的运动员。

Her lack of major sporting success hasn't affected her appeal to sponsors. 库尔尼科娃在重大赛事上的不顺利并没有影响她对赞助商的吸引力。

Kournikova earned more than seven million pounds last year, and virtually all of it came from off-court activities. 去年库尔尼科娃挣了七百多万英镑,主要来源于比赛以外的活动。

Her management company will issue a statement on the wedding speculation later today. They will want to insure their young star's marital status does not affect her market value. 今天稍迟些时候她的管理公司将就外界对婚礼的种种猜测发表声明。他们想确保这名年轻明星的婚姻不会影响她的商业价值。