第 49 课:Harry Potter , The Box-office Magic 票房奇迹《哈利·波特》

The screen version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has performed magic at the box office. 电影《哈利·波特与魔法石》创造了票房奇迹,首映就一炮而红,

Breaking records in the United States and Britain in the first of its release, the film is estimated to have taken more than $90 million in the US, that is 20 million more than the previous record set by Jurassic Park . 打破了美国和英国的票房纪录。这部电影预计已在美国获得九千万美元的票房收入,即超出纪录保持者《侏罗纪公园》两千万美元。

At Rockville in Maryland, the Raymond family got some of the last tickets of the day to see Harry Potter . 在马里兰州的洛克维尔,雷门一家买到了当天《哈利·波特》的最后几张电影票。

This cinema is showing the film onfour screens, and since Friday, they've almost all been sold out. 2,500 tickets were bought before the movie even opened. The British boy wizard is already a huge star here. 这家电影院安排了四个放映厅放映《哈利·波特》,从星期五以来,票几乎售罄。甚至在电影首映前就售出了两千五百张。影片主角——一个英国小男巫已成了这儿的大明星。

Young Viewer: I like him because I read the books, and I think it's really exciting. 小观众:我喜欢他,因为我看过书,我觉得这很有趣。

And Harry Potter has worked his magic. Even the producers can't believe it. The films made $30 million on each of the last three days. 《哈利·波特》大展魔法,甚至连制片人也难以相信。在过去的三天内,这部影片每天都赚上三千万美元。

It's little wonder that Harry Potter has made record ticket sales. It's showing at more than 8,000 screens right across the country. 没人会对《哈利·波特》的票房收入奇迹感到吃惊。如今它正在美国八千多个放映厅上映。

But the real test will be, do children want to come and see it time and time again because that's what it's going to take if Harry Potter is to beat Titanic and be come the biggest grossing movie of all time. 然而真正的考验是:孩子们愿意一遍一遍、不厌其烦地去看这部电影吗?如果《哈利·波特》想要击败《泰坦尼克号》成为电影史上最大的赢家的话,这一切是必不可少的。

And the hero of Hogwarts has every chance of doing just that. Teenagers to toddlers, Harry Potter has America spellbound. 霍格沃茨学校的小英雄完全有可能取得成功。从豆蔻年华的青少年到蹒跚学步的小孩子,《哈利·波特》令全美国人都着了迷。