第 50 课:US Box Office 美国电影票房排行榜概览

Here's Richard McCaffrey with a look at this week's top five films at the US box office. 里查德·麦赫尔希将带您看一看本周电影票房排行榜上名列前茅的五部电影。

At five, Black Knight, Martin Lawrence does the time warp in the comedy the critics didn't find funny. 排名第五的是《黑骑士》,马丁·劳伦斯返回古代演出一场喜剧,但评论家们并不觉得好笑。

Billy Crystal and John Goodman supply the voices to the animated hit, Monsters, Inc., now at number four. 比利·克里斯托和约翰·古德曼为其配音的热门动画片《怪物公司》排名第四。

Robert Redford outsmarts the CIA and rescues buddy Brad Pitt in the espionage thriller, Spy Game new, at three. 在间谍恐怖新片《间谍游戏》中,罗伯特·莱德福特更胜中央情报局探员一筹,并搭救了好友布莱德·彼特,该片现排名第三。

At two, Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman show courage under fire in the military drama, Behind Enemy Lines. 排名第二的是军事题材的电影《敌线之后》,欧文·威尔森和吉恩·哈克曼浴火出演,勇气可嘉。

And the young wizard does his magic for a third week; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is number one. 在小男巫的魔力下,《哈利·波特与魔法石》已是连续三周蝉联冠军了。