Pressure grows on the world'sleaders to take action against climate change. A UN report says global warming is taking place much faster than predicted. 在如何采取措施对付气候变化方面,世界各国的领导人面临的压力越来越大。联合国的一份报告表明,全球性气候转暖的速度比先前预测的要快得多。
Anti-Japanese protests in South Korea as Seoul breaks military ties with Tokyo. 韩国政府中断了与日本政府的军事交流,在韩国有反对日本的抗议活动。
And South African police move in to evictsquatters from a camp near Johannesburg. 南非警察采取行动驱赶约翰内斯堡附近一个营地的非法占住者。
July 16, 2001 BBC
The India-Pakistan summit is extended as leaders struggle with a final declaration.The Pakistani President says Kiashmir is the main iss ue dividing the two countries. 印度和巴基斯坦的会谈往后延期,两国领导人正为双方达成一个最后声明而努力。巴基斯坦总统说克什米尔地区是双方意见不一的主要因素。
China and Russia sing a friendship treaty, their first in half a century. 中国和俄罗斯签署了一个友好条约,这是双方半个世纪以来的第一个友好条约。
Belgian Jacque Rogge elected as the new president of the International Olympic Committee. 比利时人雅克·罗格被选为国际奥委会的新主席。
July 18, 2001 BBC
Israel is now sending more infantry and armored vehicles to the West Bank. The U.N. envoy says the cease-fire with the Palestinians is all but over. 以色列向约旦河西岸派遣更多的步兵和装甲车辆。联合国特使说与巴勒斯坦人的停火协议并未失效。
Police in Italy prepare for protests at the G8 summit in Genoa. 意大利警察为在热那亚八国首脑会议期间的抗议活动做好准备。
And President Bush tells the BBC he won's back down on defense or the environment. 美国总统布什对英国广播公司记者说,他不会在国防或环境方面妥协。
July 19, 2001 BBC
Continuing violence in the Middle East, President Mubarak denounces Israeli Premiere Sharon. 随着中东暴力冲突的继续,埃及总统穆巴拉克谴责以色列总理沙龙。
Greenspan stays pessimistic about the U.S. economy. 格林斯潘对美国经济表示悲观。
President Bush arrives in Britain ahead of the G8 summit. Genoa tightens summit security as anti-globalization demonstrators arrive. 美国总统布什在八国首脑会议前到达英国。同时,随着反全球化抗议示威者陆续到达,热那亚警方对八国首脑会议加强安全防范措施。