第 57 课:A Japanese Fishing Vessel Sunken By A Us Submarine 美国潜艇撞沉日本渔船-2

The Navy said today that its ships have been involved in six major collisions in the last twelve months and five months ago the entire fleet was ordered to stand down for a day because the Chief of Naval Operations was worried about lapses in navigation and seamanship. 美国海军今天说海军的船只在过去的一年里曾卷入了六次重大的相撞事件,在五个月前,美国海军作战部长由于担心导航和航海技术方面的失误而命令整个舰队停航待命一天,

The Navy investigation of Friday's collision off Hawaii between a submarine and a Japanese fishing boat is certainly on their minds. Nine of the Japanese have not been found. 海军当然没有忘记星期五在夏威夷发生的潜艇与日本渔船相撞事件,在事件中,有九名日本人至今仍然失踪。

Family members of those still missing today took a charter boat out to the scene of the accident, nine miles off shore. On Friday the USS Greenville was practicing an emergency blow, a spectacular rush to the surface. 失踪人员乘坐一只租船到离岸九英里的出事地点。在星期五,美国“格林维尔”号潜艇正在进行一次紧急上浮演练,这通常是一个壮观的场面。

A submarine is supposed to come to periscope depth first, survey the area for any boats. It would then dive to about 300 feet before quickly coming back to the surface at a sharp angle. 在这种演习中,潜艇首先应上升到潜望镜的高度,察看一下潜艇周围的海面,然后下潜到海面三百英尺下,再迅速地以一个较大的倾角升到海面。

Vice Adm. J Guy Reynolds (Ret): If you were not able to determine what the traffic was on the surface, it would be my view that you wouldn't conduct an emergency blow. J·盖伊·雷诺兹(退休中将):我认为,如果你无法确定海面船只来往的情况,你就不应该进行紧急上浮。

Commander Scott Waddle, the captain of the Greenville, must now answer tough questions: How far did he raise the periscope? If it was four to five feet above the wave tops, as called for in this type of maneuver, he should have been able to see the fishing boat. 美国“格林维尔”号的司各脱·沃德尔船长现在必须就一系列无法敷衍的问题作出回答:潜望镜升了多高?如果潜望镜在这一类演习中按规定升到海浪四、五英尺以上的话,他就可以看到那艘日本渔船。

How long did it take the submarine to dive and return to the surface? The period where it is essentially blind. Normally it takes ten minutes. Why did sonar operators not hear the Japanese boat? 当时潜艇从下潜,然后再升到海面用了多少时间?这段时间通常需要十分钟,而且一般是盲点。为什么声纳探测器监测人员没有发现日本渔船?

Vice Adm. Reynolds (Ret): Yes you do have sonar, but it's not like looking out your car window. 雷诺兹中将:当然,潜艇有声纳探测器,但那并不像你驾车时通过车玻璃往外看那样清晰。

Did the fifteen civilian guests who were on board for this one-day cruise distract the crew or captain? The control room in a submarine is already crowded without tourists. 当时在潜艇上作一日游的十五个平民有没有转移了船员或艇长的注意力?潜艇的控制室在没有游客时就已经很拥挤了。

Finally, Japanese officials are bitterly critical of the submarine captain for not putting sailors on deck to help with the rescue. The Navy argues that with waves washing across the deck of the submarine it would have been dangerous not only for sailors but for survivors who could have been smashed against the side. 最后,日本官方对于事发后潜艇艇长没有派艇员参与营救工作十分不满。而美国海军辩称当时海浪冲刮着潜艇的甲板,营救工作不仅会让潜艇人员身陷险境,而且生还者也会有被海浪推撞拍击艇身而受伤害的危险。