第 58 课:A Japanese Fishing Vessel Sunken By A Us Submarine 美国潜艇撞沉日本渔船-3

But first, Japan's Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori is under pressure to resign over the way he responded to the sinking of a Japanese trawler by a United States nuclear submarine off Hawaii last Friday. 首先,日本首相森喜朗因为他在上星期五听到日本渔船被一艘美国潜艇撞沉时的反应正面临辞职的压力。

Officials within his coalition have criticized his decision to finish a game of golf when he heard of the accident. This the latest in a series of gaffs that have damaged his popularity. Nine of those on board the trawler are still missing. They must now be presumed dead. 在森喜朗的执政联盟中,已有官员批评他在听到事故发生的消息后仍然继续打他的高尔夫球。这是最近他面对的一系列有损于他的支持率的事件之一。沉没的日本渔船上的九名船员现在仍然没有踪影,人们都认为他们死了。

The Navy said the USS Greenville was on a brief training exercise off Hawaii when it collided with the Japanese fishing trawler. Officials have since acknowledged that 15 civilians were on board the submarine and they now say two of them were sitting at control stations when the accident occurred. 美国海军说美国“格林维尔”号当时正在夏威夷对开的海面进行一次短暂的演习,官方已承认当时潜艇上有十五个平民,而且有两个平民在事故发生时正坐在潜艇的控制台。

The civilians are said to have been under close supervision and of ficials insist it had nothing to do with the collision. The submarine was practicing an emergency surfacing maneuver similar to this one when it struck the Japanese fishing boat, sinking it within minutes. 据说当时平民的一举一动都在严格的监控之下,官方坚持说事故的发生与他们在场的事实没有任何关系。潜艇是在进行一次紧急上浮演习时与一艘日本渔船相撞并使其迅速下沉的,

Nine crew members, including four high school boys, are still missing presumed dead. A 4)Pentagon spokesman responded to criticism from the Japanese crew that little was done to help the survivors. 渔船上包括四名学生在内的九名人员仍然失踪,并被假设已经遇难。美国五角大楼发言人对日本方面关于落水人员没有得到应有帮助的批评作了回应,

Admiral Craig Quigley, Pentagon Spokesman: A submarine in the seas that we're talking about that were present at the time of the accident, which is about four to six feet, is a lousy platform to recover people from the water or bring rafts alongside. 克雷格·奎格利上将(五角大楼发言人):当时海浪有四到六英尺高,在水面上的潜艇部分并不是一个营救落水人员的好地方,也不适合把救生筏拖到艇边。

As you all understand the hull of a Los Angeles class submarine is basically round and it's a cylindrical and looking from an end on view it is round and so you have very poor sea-keeping abilities on the surface of a Los Angeles class submarine. 你们也都知道,洛杉矶级潜艇的船身基本上是圆的,呈圆筒状,如果从船尾的角度看它是圆的,因此,一艘洛杉矶级潜艇的艇面并不适合进行营救活动。

The surviving boys who had been on a training expedition for deep-sea fishing have returned to Japan. The accident has traumatized this small fishing community in the southwest of the country. The revelation that civilians were at the controls of the submarine is likely to fuel their anger. 那些来进行深海捕鱼实习的男孩子们已返回日本。这次事故使得这个日本东南部小小渔村的人们心理受到了重创,事发当时有平民在潜艇控制台的消息很可能在当地人心中火上浇油。

Much of the criticism in Japan so far has been directed at the Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, who's accused of responding too slowly to the disaster. He's facing calls to resign for remaining on a golf course outside Tokyo for an hour and a half after being informed of the collision. 迄今,在日本,大部分批评的矛头都指向了首相森喜朗,人们指责他对事故发生的反应太慢。他由于在获悉潜艇与渔船相撞之事后仍在东京城外的一个高尔夫球场逗留了一个半小时而被要求辞职。