第 60 课:India-Pakistan Summit Ended Without Agreement 印巴会谈无果而终-2

Welcome to BBC World News I'm Lyse Doucet An historic summit between India and Pakistan has been extended because of difficulties in agreeing on a joint declaration. 欢迎收看英国广播公司《世界新闻》,我是利斯·杜塞特。印巴之间具有历史意义的峰会由于双方未能达成一项联合声明而需要延长。

Indian and Pakistani leaders have held three days of talks in the Indian city of Agra. Their declaration is thought to contain plans about further talks on Kashmir. Well let's go now to our special studio in Agra to join my colleague Nik Gowing. Nik? 两国领导人已经在印度城市阿格拉进行了三天的会谈,此间认为,他们即将发表的宣言会包括在克什米尔问题上进一步商谈的计划。现在转到我们在阿格拉的特别播音室,我的同事尼克·高英正在那里。尼克?

Nik: Lyse, we understand there is now a draft which is circulating. It's being looked at by the two foreign ministers and significantly according to sources it includes at this moment a phrase saying the "settlement of the Kashmir issue," not the "Kashmir dispute" the "Kashmir issue." This is on a day that we hear that 50 people insurgents and Indian soldiers have been killed in both Jammu and Kashmir. 尼克:利斯,据我们所知,有一份声明的草稿正在传阅之中。两国的外交部长正在审阅这份草拟文件,有消息说,值得注意的是这份草拟文件提到“克什米尔问题的解决”,是“克什米尔问题”,而不是“克什米尔冲突”。我们听说今天就有有50个叛乱者和印度士兵在查谟和克什米尔被杀。

But in return, India when they looked at the text said that there must be also another clause saying that violence must end, something they've been pushing for some time. And secondly they said the two sides must honor the Simla Agreement from 1972 and the Lahore Agreement from 1999. 作为交换,印度在审阅这份文件时说,要加上一个条说明,一定要终止一切暴力活动,这是他们一直都在争取的内容。其次,印方还说双方必须遵守1972年的《西姆拉协定》和1999年的《拉合尔协定》。

Then when Pakistan saw what India wanted extra, they insisted there should be the right of self-determination in the Kashmir Valley. All of these are significant developments if confirmed in the final text. Well let's get the latest from Jill McGiverning. 接着,巴基斯坦在搞清楚对方的额外要求后,他们也要加上另一个内容,就是克什米尔谷地的人民必须有自我决定的权利。我们去看看吉尔·麦吉弗林有什么最新消息。

For much of this summit the real substance has been hidden behind stage-managed photo calls including General Musharraf at the Taj Mahal. But on Monday he broke his silence reasserting his line that the bitter divide over Kashmir must be the main issue in dialogue. 这次峰会的实质性内容被包括穆沙拉夫将军的泰姬陵之行在内的精心安排的拍照场合所掩盖。但在星期一,他打破沉默,重申,这次对话的重点必须是解决克什米尔问题的立场。

Musharraf: Confidence building is solution of Kashmir. That is the biggest confidence building measure. That's the biggest CBM. Is a CBM possible that we're fighting just across the border and killing each other? And let's have CBM of opening the routes, trade, economy, culture, and working with each other. How can that be? Is this practical? May I ask you, is this really practical? I think it's just not practical. I can't live in this make-believe world. I can't live in this illusion. 穆沙拉夫:如何建立信任是寻求克什米尔问题的解决方法,这是最重要的建立信任措施,这才是最主要的互信措施。在边境冲突不断发生,双方互相残杀的同时,有没有建立互信措施的可能性呢?让我们在开通道路、贸易、经济、文化等方面建立起信任,互相合作。这是怎么回事?这可能吗?我问你们,这真的可能吗?我认为这是不可能的。我不能活在这样一个不真实的世界里,我不能对此抱有幻想。

But his type of rhetoric is unlikely to be music to the ears of India's Prime Minister. Both leaders are still exuding political willingness, but with little sign of movement in their positions it's hard to see quite how they're going to bridge the gap. 但估计印度总理不会喜欢他的这种言论。两国领导人都表现出他们的政治意愿,但由于双方都不肯让步,想要看到他们真正消除分歧是很难的。

The media is frantically trying to make sense of this latest move. This summit was launched in a blaze of expectation that's rapidly giving way to gloom. India's Prime Minister hasn't yet spoken and everyone here is counting down to the final statement trying to work out how these two countries can achieve a breakthrough when their positions still seem so far apart. Jill McGiverning, BBC News, Agra. 媒体都忙成一团,想搞懂眼前的这一切。人们对这次峰会都寄予了厚望,但很快又都心灰意冷。印度总理还没有开口,这里的所有人都在期待着最后的声明,努力弄明白两国如何在双方的立场相差如此之远的情况下取得突破。英国广播公司记者吉尔·麦吉弗林在阿格拉报道。

July 18, 2001 BBC

The Pakistan government says it's optimistic about the prospects of better relations with India despite the disappointing end to the summit in the Indian city of Agra. The talks collapsed over the disputed territory of Kashmir. 巴基斯坦政府表示,尽管刚刚在印度西部城市阿格拉结束的印巴高峰会谈结果令人失望,但它对改善两国之间关系仍持乐观态度。这次会谈的失败原因是有争议的克什米尔问题。

Pakistani Foreign Minister Abdul Sattar said it was unfortunate that they failed to come to an agreement. But the two sides still share a common vision of peace, progress and prosperity. India has echoed Pakistan's optimistic tone saying summit cannot be seen as a failure. 巴基斯坦外交部长阿卜杜勒·萨塔尔说峰会未能达成一致是很不幸的,但双方对两国之间的和平、进步和发展方面都有共同想法,印方对巴方认为此次峰会不是一次失败的看法表示赞同。