第 66 课:Bus Bombing Triggers Tight Security in Israel 以色列加强安全措施

Welcome to BBC World News. I'm Lyse Doucet. The Israeli military says a man was killed in a prolonged gun battle overnight when he tried to infiltrate a Jewish settlement in the Gaza strip. 以色列军方说一名男人昨晚在企图渗透加沙地带的一个犹太人定居点时发生的战斗中丧生。

A spokesman said the man was wearing a Palestinian police uniform. The incident comes as security was tightened across Palestinian areas following the death of eight Israelis on Wednesday when a man drove a bus into a crowd of people near the city of Tel Aviv. 一名发言人说这个男人身穿巴勒斯坦的警察制服。这件事发生在特拉维夫附近的汽车爆炸事件后。在星期三,一名男人驾驶一辆公共汽车冲进了人群,造成了八名以色列人死亡,事后,巴勒斯坦地区加强了安全措施。

The prayers went on, the candles were lit for the eight Israelis who died in yesterday's bus attack. Many will be buried today. Israel is still in shock. This was the worst attack here in years. The violence has escalated seriously and Ariel Sharon was elected Prime Minister two weeks ago. 人们都在为昨天去世的八名以色列人祈祷并点燃了蜡烛。有些死者将会在今天下葬。以色列举国上下仍处于震惊之中,这是近年来最严重的一次袭击行动。暴力活动最近逐步升级,而在两个星期以前,阿里埃勒·沙龙当选为以色列总理。

In Washington, President Bush made his strongest appeal yet for an end to what he called "The tragic cycle of violence." And he pointed the finger at Yasser Arafat. 在华盛顿,美国总统布什发出了最强烈的呼吁,要求结束这场“暴力悲剧循环”,并且,他把矛头指向了亚西尔·阿拉法特。

US President George Bush: The tragic cycle of violent action and reaction between Israel and the Palestinians, particularly the escalation this week, needs to stop. I'm urging all parties to do their utmost to end the violence. We will continue to work with all parties to try to restore calm to the region. 美国总统布什:以色列和巴勒斯坦人之间的“暴力悲剧循环”,特别是这个星期不断加剧的行动必须停止。我敦促各方尽各自最大的努力来结束暴力对抗。我们将继续与各方一起努力来重建这一地区的安宁。

The bus, driven by a Palestinian, plowed straight into bystanders, Israelis who had been waiting for a bus. Seven of those who died were soldiers. Israelis leaders have vowed that the perpetrators of attacks on Israel will pay. 一辆由一名巴勒斯坦人驾驶的公共汽车冲进了人群。当时,以色列人正在等候公共汽车,丧生的人中有七人是以色列士兵,以色列领导人誓言,对以色列发起袭击的凶手会为此付出代价。

Israeli Army Chief of Staff: We believe that the Israel Defense forces poses that determination required to face the flight of terror and violence. Even if this will be a long campaign, we will not be deterred and we will perform it and those are behind it. We will not hesitate to harm those who wish to harm us. 以色列陆军参谋长:我们相信,以色列的防卫部队有决心对付恐怖与暴力,即使在我们面前的道路漫长,我们也不会退缩,我们将毫不犹豫地伤害那些想对我们造成伤害的人。

At the home of the man who drove the bus, there was shock too. Khalil Abu Olbeh was a 35-year old father of five, a family man. Hamas has claimed responsibility, but his family say he had no interest in politics. He was simply as frustrated as anyone else living in Gaza. 在公共汽车的肇事司机家里,震惊也同样存在。奥拉布是一个三十五岁的父亲,他有五个孩子。哈马斯声称为此事负责。但这名男人的家人说他对政治从来不感兴趣,他只不过是像所有居住在加沙地带的人一样感到无助。

Yassar Arafat has condemned the bus attack on Israel, but Palestinian leaders say they can't control popular frustration. 亚西尔·阿拉法特谴责发生在以色列的公共汽车攻击事件,但他说他们无法控制人民的失望的情绪。

Palestine Legislative Council Member: There is no way in which the victim can sit back and quietly accept all forms of brutality and control the responses of every single individual and deliver security to the Israelis to the oppressors. 巴勒斯坦立法会成员:受害者不可能总是静坐等待和忍受各种蛮横行径,我们也无法控制每一个巴勒斯坦人的反应来保证以色列和迫害者的安全。

Israel for now has sealed off the West Bank and Gaza, cutting Palestinians off entirely from the outside world. This security measure will without doubt increase Palestinian anger. 以色列已封锁了约旦河西岸和加沙地带,把巴勒斯坦人与外界完全隔离开。这种安全措施无疑将更加引起巴勒斯坦人的愤怒。

In Israel, tempers are rising too. People are scared. This man cursed the Arabs: “If people can be killed waiting for a bus in the morning, ‘What,'they ask, ‘ill come next?'" 在以色列,激愤也与日俱增,人们都普遍感到害怕。这个男人诅咒阿拉伯人:“如果在早上等车时也会被杀的话,那么等待我们的将会是什么?”