第 68 课:Race is on to Save Kyoto Climate Pact Without U.S. 加紧挽回《京都议定书》

Welcome to BBC World News, I'm Nick Gowing. Environment ministers from 180 countries will start trying to rescue the Kyoto treaty on global warming shortly. They join their officials who have been meeting all week in the German city of Bonn. 欢迎收看英国广播公司的《世界新闻》,我是尼克·高英。来自180个国家的环境部长们即将开始拯救关于全球变暖的《京都议定书》的行动,他们与各自国家已在德国波恩开了一个星期会的官员们会合。

The 1997 Kyoto agreement commits industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The protocol was undermined in a major way in March when U.S. President George W. Bush said it would weaken America's economy. 1997年的《京都议定书》规定工业国家必须减少温室气体排放量,由于三月份美国总统小布什声称议定书会削弱美国的经济,严重削弱了这个议定书的地位。

It's Beethoven who dominates the town square here and it's unlikely that he'll have to give up his plane to a monument celebrating a conference, which halted global warming. 在波恩广场,贝多芬俯视着这个城市,他也不会把自己的地位让给一个正在举行的会议,这次会议将制止全球变暖的趋势。

Ministers from over 180 countries have already agreed to global cuts in emissions of greenhouse gasses five percent below the 1990 levels. But here they must decide how this will be achieved. 来自180多个国家的部长们已经同意把全球温室气体排放量在1990年的基础上减少5%,但现在他们要决定如何把它付之于行动。

Since George Bush pulled out of the deal, the argument is between Japan and Europe. The Japanese want flexible rules allowing them to plant more trees in place of steep cuts in pollution and weaker penalties for missing targets. Europe doesn't like it, but really wants a deal. 由于小布什拒绝签署《京都议定书》,如今是日本与欧洲进行讨价还价。日本人希望《京都议定书》在实施方面能有弹性,允许他们多种树,而不是大幅度减少污染,而且他们希望能减轻对不能达到目标的惩罚。欧洲当然不赞成这种做法,但却很想达成协议。

Jan Pronk (Conference Chairman): When I came to Bonn, I was a bit pessimistic, given many political statements, which were made during the last couple of weeks, that perhaps it would not be possible to reach [an]agreement. However, I have the impression that it is possible to reach a result. 简·普龙克(会议主席):我启程来波恩时,我是有点悲观的,因为在过去的数周里,一些人发表了不少政治声明,我原想,要达成一个协议的可能性不大。但我现在觉得这次会议也是有可能取得成果的。

If all the countries gathered here don't reach agreement in the next few days, it won't be the end of Kyoto, but it will be a failure. A failure to put national differences aside to resolve a problem, which the whole world, even the Americans agree, is a growing threat to our planet. 如果在未来的几天里,在这里参加会议的国家都不能达成协议,不能说《京都议定书》就无法挽回,但至少可以说这是一次失败,因为各国未能消除歧见、解决问题。即使是美国人也认为,这个问题正成为我们这个星球日益严重的威胁。