第 69 课:Washington Post Executive Has Died 华盛顿邮报前董事会主席格雷厄姆逝世
Kathryn Graham, the woman behind the rise of the Washington Post as a major force in American journalism, has died at the age of 84. She never regained consciousness after suffering a head injury in a fall. 美国新闻界举足轻重的《华盛顿邮报》兴旺发达背后的女人,凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆,世了,享年84岁,她摔倒头部受伤失去知觉后,一直没有再醒过来。
She was one of the most powerful women in America. She took the paper her father had bought at a bankruptcy auction and turned it into a national force. 她是美国最有势力的女人之一。她把她父亲在一次破产中买回来的《华盛顿邮报》变成全国大报。
Kathryn Graham began what she called her "second life" in 1963 when her husband committed suicide. In her memoirs, she described herself as a "doormat wife." But she took over the post reins of the company and built it into a profitable media conglomerate.在1963年她的丈夫自杀后,凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆开始了她自己称为“第二人生”历程。在她的回忆录中,她把自己说成是一个逆来顺受的妻子,但她后来接管了报纸,并把它打造成赚钱的媒体集团。
Perhaps her finest hour came during the Watergate scandal, when she stood by her journalists and backed the investigation that eventually brought down a President. 她最辉煌的时刻可能是水门事件,当时,她极力支持自己的记者,为调查报道撑腰,最终导致总统的下台。
Her enduring role brought her into contact with generations of America's powerful. And tributes have come from all sections of Washington's society. 她一直以来扮演的角色使她有机会接触美国数代最有势力的人,她死后,对她的赞扬也来自华盛顿的各个阶层。
But perhaps the greatest tribute is the sense of purpose and integrity that Kathryn Graham has brought to her publications that earned her the respect and admiration of her journalists and political enemies alike. 她带给《华盛顿邮报》的处事果断,为人正直的作风,这使她自己赢得了她旗下的新闻工作者,以致于她在政治上的敌人对她的尊敬赞赏。