第 77 课:Lebanon Election (Part A) 黎巴嫩大选 (1)

Lebanon is in the process of holding its first general elections for more than 30 years without the heavy shadow of a Syrian military presence over much of the country. 叙利亚已经在黎巴嫩驻军长达三十年之久。如今,黎巴嫩终于在摆脱了这种军事阴影的情况下,举行了该国三十年来的第一次大选。

The Syrians pulled out in April, after huge demonstrations in Beirut -- and international condemnation -- following the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Rafiq Hariri. 在经历了贝鲁特的大规模游行示威,国际社会的强烈谴责以及前总理拉菲克·哈里里被暗杀这一连串的事件以后,叙利亚终于在今年四月从黎巴嫩撤军。

His death and the recent killing of a prominent anti-Syrian journalist, Samir Kassir, have been blamed by many Lebanese on Syria - a charge the Syrians have strongly denied. 继前总理拉菲克·哈里里遭暗杀以后,一位杰出的反叙利亚派记者——萨米尔·卡西尔,也遇害了。这两起事件促使很多黎巴嫩人强烈谴责叙利亚。而叙利亚则严正声明,它不接受这样的罪名。

The first round of the elections was held last Sunday in Beirut and over the next few weeks there'll be voting in other parts of the country. Jim Muir, for many years the BBC's correspondent in Lebanon, has been considering how much has changed -- and how much hasn't. 首轮选举于上星期在贝鲁特举行。在接下来的几周时间里,选举还将在该国的其他地区进行。金·缪尔是一位在英国广播公司工作了多年的长驻黎巴嫩记者。他目前正在考虑,究竟发生了多大的变化,又有多少东西没有改变。

This is an election dominated by the martyrs and ghosts of the past. In the first round of voting, for the 19 Beirut seats, it was the newest martyr, the Sunni Muslim former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri, whose image was everywhere, and who swept all before him. 这次的大选一直被那些烈士以及悲伤的往事所影响着。在第一轮投票中,在竞选的十九个位置中,该国前总理——逊尼派穆斯林拉菲克·哈里里占了上风,他的思想无处不在。

Mr Hariri died instantly on February the 14th when his motorcade was caught in a massive explosion which, rightly or wrongly, was instantly and instinctively blamed by most Lebanese on the Syrians. 拉菲克·哈里里于十四日乘坐他的汽车时遭受了一次巨大的爆炸,哈里里当场毙命。而他的死亡也立即成为黎巴嫩人反对叙利亚的借口,暂且不论这样做究竟是对是错。

It triggered the huge demonstrations that brought together hundreds of thousands of people in Beirut with one single demand: Syria, out. 这件事引起了成千上万的人们到贝鲁特游行示威。他们的要求只有一个,那就是:叙利亚,滚蛋!

The list put together by Rafiq al-Hariri's son and political heir, Saad, steamrollered the Beirut elections, taking every single seat. The young Saad, just 35, has no political experience at all -- he was running his billionaire father's company in Saudi Arabia when he was suddenly pitch forked into this new life. 拉菲克·哈里里的儿子以及其继任者萨阿德联手打造的这个名单占据了选举的所有的席位,这也就彻底粉碎了黎巴嫩的这次选举。萨阿德很年轻,只有三十五岁,没有任何从政经验。他正忙于经营富有的父亲在沙特阿拉伯的一家公司,现在被强行拉过来开始他的政治生活。

Because the result was a foregone conclusion, the turnout was low - 27 per cent overall, though quite a bit higher among Sunni voters, many of whom felt it a duty to pay this last act of allegiance to their biggest martyr, whose picture, with or without young Saad, was all over Beirut. 大选的结果正如同人们所预料的那样,投票率非常低,只有百分之二十七。虽然这个数字比逊尼派选民略高,但是其中很多人只是想对这位伟大的烈士尽自己最后的一点义务。这位烈士的画像在萨阿德从政以前和以后,都遍布整个贝鲁特。

But Rafiq al-Hariri is far from being the only martyr whose memory is running in these elections. On the same coalition list for Beirut was Solange Gemayel. 拉菲克·哈里里并不是唯一一个能让这些竞选者记起的烈士。同样的烈士还有索朗格·杰马耶勒。

Her husband Beshir, who commanded the main Christian militia at the time, was elected President with Israeli help in 1982, only to die under the rubble of his party headquarters when it was demolished by a huge bomb just a few weeks later. 她丈夫巴希尔,当时是基督教民兵的首领,并在以色列的帮助下于一九八二年当选总统。就在当选的几个星期以后,他的党派的总部遭受炸弹袭击,巴希尔也就死于这次袭击。

Another presidential widow is running in the final round of voting, in the north of the country. Nayla Muawwad's husband Rene was elected president just after the peace agreement for Lebanon was reached in Taif, Saudi Arabia, in 1989. He too only survived a few weeks, before he was blown to smithereens in a massive car bomb blast in Beirut. 还有另外一位总统遗孀参与了最后一轮投票,内勒·穆阿瓦德的丈夫伦勒于一九八九年在沙特阿拉伯签定了黎巴嫩和平协议以后当选总统。他只任职了几个星期,就在贝鲁特的一次汽车炸弹事件中遇难。