第 94 课:Demonstrations in Bolivia 玻利维亚罢工大游行-2

This list might also be checked at any of the numerous blockades between Sorata and La Paz. Our presence on the bus put everyone's integrity as dedicated protestors at risk so the warm welcome we received showed real generosity. 我们车上这些游行者的名单还会被索拉塔和拉巴斯之间的封锁站检查。所以我们出现在车上就会让这些虔诚的游行者承担一定的风险,但是他们还是对我们很热情,这就说明这种热情是真心的。

Eduardo and his friends were very keen to start marching. "It's the only way to get the government to listen to us" they all said. They had two main demands -- first: nationalisation of Bolivia's oils and gas reserves "so that we can keep the revenue ourselves to improve health, education and reduce poverty". Second: a change in the constitution "to give equal rights and opportunities to us -- Bolivia's indigenous people." 爱德华多和他的朋友们非常积极地参与这次游行,他们说:“这是我们让政府听我们的话的唯一途径。”他们的主要要求有两个:第一,玻利维亚的石油和天然气国有化,这样国家才能有收入来改善教育,卫生同时改善贫困状态。第二,宪法改革,来给予我们玻利维亚本土人同等的权利和机会。

Halfway through the journey the bus stopped and everyone, except us, got out to have a rest and eat. An exhausted looking young couple with a baby boarded the bus. They were teachers from an isolated village and had been nominated to join the protests. 中途停车了,大家纷纷下去休息一下或者吃点东西,只有我们没有下去。一对看上去很累的年轻夫妇抱着孩子上了车。他们是一个偏僻的小村庄的教师,被提名参加这次的游行。

They'd waited 4 days for transport and had finally walked the whole previous day to catch a bus. "we just don't want to go" said the mother, leaving us to mind her baby while she went to buy some food. 他们等车等了四天,一直步行,终于在今天乘上了一辆车。“我们并不想去游行”这位母亲边说话边下了车,让我们帮她看一下孩子,他们去买点东西吃。

But they were being fined 50 Bolivianos each for every day they were not on a protest march and they'd already lost 400 Bolivianos -- at around 50 US dollars, that's more than a month's salary for many in this country. 但是由于他们没有参加游行队伍,已经被处以每天五十玻利维亚元的罚款。目前为止,罚款的总额已经是400玻利维亚元——大约是50美元,这个数目对于这个国家来说,已经超过了很多人每月的工资。

When we arrived in La Paz, there was still the boom of dynamite and stench of tear gas. The protestors were tired, the citizens of La Paz were tired, the markets nearly empty, it's been almost impossible to buy bread, prices have rocketed - the owner of our regular restaurant, one of the few to remain open, has been paying more than four times the usual for bottled gas, the streets are devoid of traffic, putrid rubbish is piling up at the road side. 当我们到达阿巴斯以后炸弹爆炸事件和使用催泪瓦斯事件还是随处可见。游行者们都累了,拉巴斯的居民也累了,市场已经空空如也,几乎不可能买到面包了,物价也疯涨起来。为数不多的几家餐馆中的一家的老板说,他的进货价格已经增长了四倍。路上没有了车辆,取而代之的是堆积如山的垃圾。

But through all this shared hardship and suffering, it seems the huge gulf in understanding between rich and poor, remains. As miners filed through the main street again on Friday morning and observed a minute's silence in respect for their colleague killed near the acapital the previous day, a neatly coifferred pale-skinned woman angrily said "They're still protesting then!" "They don't understand what we're struggling for" said the tiny old Quechua woman I'd been chatting to. 但是即使大家同样面临着这样的痛苦和困难,似乎富人和穷人之间仍然无法相互理解。当游行者于星期五再次经过主街道时,他们看见了大家在为前一天死去的矿工默哀一分钟。一个发型很整齐的脸色苍白的老妇人气愤地说:“他们居然还在游行!”同我聊过天的一个盖丘亚族妇女说:“他们根本不了解我们游行的目的是什么。”

The lives of these women are as different as the immaculate gardens of Zona Sur, the most wealthy suburb of La Paz, and the sprawling slums of El Alto, the township which perches high above the city. 这两个人的命运截然不同,好像一个居住在完美的Zona Sur公园——阿巴斯最富有的地区,而另一个生活在乱七八糟的El Alto贫民窟中。

The new president will have more on his agenda than calling elections and deciding the future of Bolivia's natural resources. Overcoming the shocking inequality of life in this poorest country in South America in the most serious challenge, and it seems, the only way to ensure a peaceful future. 新总统将会用大量的时间号召大家投票,决定玻利维亚的自然资源的未来发展。在这种严峻的考验下,南美最穷困的国家克服这种惊人的不平等,这似乎才是保障一个和平的未来的唯一途径。