第 104 课:Keeping A Secret 保密-2

I'll keep my mouth shut. 我会守口如瓶.

You can count on me My lips are sealed. 我守口如瓶, 你可以信得过我.

Your secret is safe with me. 你的秘密在我这儿绝对可靠.

I'll never kiss and tell. 我绝不会把我们亲热的事说出去.

You couldn't drag that information out of me. 你休想从我这儿套出消息.

I'd rather die than tell you. 我宁死也不愿告诉你.

He's not telling us everything. 他没道出全部内情.

He's always so secretive. 他老是神秘兮兮.