第 107 课:Gossip 谣言-4

The rumors spread like flies. 谣言满天飞.

He's not deterred by rumors. 他不因谣言而断念.

It's time to clear the air. 是澄清真相的时候了.

It's time to dispel the myth. 该是破除神话的时候了.

The truth must be told. 真相必须公诸于众.

I'd like to set the record straight. 我要抖出实情来澄清谣言.

Where there's smoke there's fire. 有烟必有火. 冒烟的地方必定有火.

There's no smoke without fire. 无烟不起火. 无风不起浪. 空穴不来风, 事出必有因.

See on evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. 非礼勿视, 非礼勿听, 非礼勿言.