第 12 课:Cooperation 合作-2

They formed an alliance. 他们结成联盟.

We're on the same team. 我们是同一战线的.

We're in the same boat. 我们同搭一条船.

It's all or nothing 要就尽心做, 否则干脆不做.

We all work together or not at all. 我们若不能好好地合作, 不如拉倒.

One for all and all for one. 我为人人,人人为我.

Let's all stick together. 让我们联成一气.

United we stand, divided we fall. 团结才能存活, 纷争注定灭亡.

This is as far as I will go. 我只能帮你到这个程度.