第 13 课:Philosophy Of Friendship 友谊的哲学-1

They say the best sauce is company. 人们说高朋满座是最佳的佐料.

Friends are honest with each other. 朋友之间应以诚相待.

When you run with the wrong crowd it always shows. 与损友相处, 终将显出鄙陋之行为.

You can't run with the skunk and smell like a rose. 你无法久近染缸, 而不被玷污.

Those who lie down with dogs, rise up with fleas. 近朱者赤, 近墨者黑.

You can't fly with eagles when you hang with turkeys. 跟火鸡相处太久, 再也无法与老鹰高飞.

A dog and a wolf can't go far. 道不同, 不相为谋.