第 14 课:Making Friends 交友

Let's get acquainted. 咱们来彼此认识一下.

Are you new in town? 你刚来这里不久吧?

Don't be afraid. I don't bite. 用不着怕, 我不会咬人.

Mingle with the crowd. 去做好社交工作.

Think of me as your buddy! 把我当(成你的)朋友吧!

He offered me a hand shake. 他主动地和我握手.

A:Hey buddy. Do you have the time? 嘿, 老兄, 你的手表几点了?

B:Don't "buddy" me. 不要叫得那么亲热, 谁是你的"老兄"?

My name isn't Buddy. Get lost. 我的名字不叫"老兄" 你给我滚远一点儿!

I'm not with you and I'm not one of you. 我不和你们同流合污, 也不是你们当中的一伙.