第 25 课:Invitation 邀请

Stop by anytime. My door is always open. 有空来, 随时都欢迎你.

Drop in. 路过时, 请顺道来小坐一下.

When are you free? 你几时有空?

Don't be a stranger. 不要太疏远.

Be sure to join us. 一定要来哟.

A:Come, by all means. 无论如何你都得来.

B:I'll see. 我考虑一下再说吧.

Be there or be square. 如果你不来, 就是讨人厌的老古板.

Come, unless you're dead. 除非你死了, 不然都得来.

I won't take no for an answer. 我可不许你拒绝.

You won't regret it It will be a night to remember. 你不至于后悔, 这将是你难忘的一夜.