Men often go to bars to pick up an easy lay. 男人们常到洒吧去找放荡的女人苟合. What's this idea, swapping wives? 换妻是什么鬼玩意儿? Don't be a one-arm driver. 开车时不要腾出一只手来 , 对身边的女孩子不规矩. He's a pig. 他是一只重肉欲的猪猡. No, you can't go to a strip tease joint. 不行, 不许你去(低级的)脱衣舞场. He's a peeping Tom. 他是个偷窥狂.
America is in a moral decline. 美国的道德正在沦落中. All rats like cheese. 哪只猫儿不贪腥.
Sinful and unholy love is not true love 罪恶不洁的爱, 就不是真爱.