第 38 课:Farewell 再见-3

Send us a postcard. 要记得捎张明信片来.

Call me. 记得打电话来.

Don't forget to call. 不要忘了打电话给我.

Let's say good-bye here. 我们在这儿道别吧! 送君千里终须一别.

Wish you all the best, Justin. 贾思丁, 祝你一切顺利.

I'll miss you all. You are like family to me. 你们待我亲如家人, 我会怀念你们大家.

My life would be empty without you. 少了你我的生命会变得空虚.

We're proud to have known you. 能认识您, 使我们引以为傲.