第 43 课:Concern 关切-5

I've seen to all the details. 所有细节我都已注意到.

He worries himself over nothing. 他杞人忧天.

Don't worry. We'll pull through it. 不用担心, 我们会逃过这场灾难.

She's got her head screwed on right. 她精得很.

They'll be okay. They are adults. 他们都是成人, 照说不会有事.

They'll make do. They're smart. 他们很聪明, 晓得如何随机应变.

The nursing staff has been very attentive. 这儿的护理人员都很亲切.

She's a very considerate and caring person. 她是个懂得体贴和关心的人.

Carry each other's burdens. 你们要彼此担负重轭.