第 45 课:Consolation 安慰-2

Into each life a little rain must fall. 一生中, 难免遭到少许挫折.

It's just a drop in the bucket. 这是鸡毛蒜皮的琐事.

Don't be so down. 别那样死气沉沉.

Don't look so sad. Put on a happy face 别那么难过, 换一副笑容吧.

When things go wrong, smile. 遇事不顺, 亦应处之泰然.

Everything works out for the best. 总会雨过天晴.

Things often turn out for the better. 否极泰来.

Things have a way of working out. 风水轮流转, 十年河东十年河西.