第 6 课:Having an Affair. 婚外情 -1

Many married couples have affairs. 许多已婚夫妻都有婚外情.

I wonder if he ever looks at other women 我怀疑他是否和别的女人调过情?

Could he have been fooling around? 他是否在外头拈花惹草

He may be seeing another woman. 也许他有外遇.

I think there's some hanky-panky between Mr. Benson and his secretary. 我想班森先生和他的女秘书之间, 有不正常的关系.

No hanky-panky in front of the children 不要在孩子们面前恶形恶状.

He's getting it on the side. 他在外头打野食.

You're being unfaithful to her. 你对她不忠实.