第 69 课:Success. 成功-2

He's a self-made man 他白手成家.

He's made a name for himself. 他塑造了自己的名气.

You've made quite a place for yourself in society. 你已争取到相当的社会地位.

You're a big shot now. 你已成了举足轻重的人物.

He began as a busboy and died an industrial tycoon. 他从打杂童工起家, 到老死之时已成了工业界的泰斗.

Maryann finally hit the bull's eye. 玛利终于顺遂心愿.

No one can beat you You're the champ. 谁都赢不了你, 你是此道中之翘楚.

She stole the whole show. 她抢尽了风头.