第 71 课:To Seek Credit 邀功

Don't forget to give me the credit I deserve. 别忘了我应得的功劳.

Tommy is just a copycat. 塔米只是个抄袭者.

He has no originality. 他没创作力.

You picked that up from me. 那是你从我这儿学的.

She gives herself too much credit. 她太抬举自己. 她自视过高.

Give the devil his due. 他虽讨人厌, 但也不应否认他的功劳.

I owe it all to you for what I am today. 我能有今天, 全托你的福.

His record of achievements is hard to dispute. 他的丰功伟绩不容争辩