第 75 课:Returning A Compliment 对恭维的应答

How sweet of you! 你这个人真好!

That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me. 这是我一生中最爱听的话.

That's very flattering. 真会讨好人.

You flatter me. 你把我捧得飘飘然.

It was nothing. Anyone could have done it. 这没什么, 谁都做得来.

You give me more credit than I deserve. 你太抬举我了.

I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much. 这全归功于那些鼎立相助的朋友们.

You're boosting my ego. 你使我志得意满.

Don't spoil me. 别捧坏我.