第 77 课:Gift 礼物-1

Here you go! 拿去吧!

A:Here. Go buy yourself some flowers. 拿这些钱去替你自己买些花吧.

That would buy a whole lot of flowers 那些钱可以买不少花呢

He showered her with gifts. 他买给她满山满谷的礼物.

He lavished presents on his girlfriend. 他奢侈地买了一大堆礼物, 送给他的女友.

You shouldn't have. 你这是何必呢?

It really wasn't necessary. 实在没这必要.

You really went overboard buying presents. 你买礼物的钱真是花过头了.

You're an Indian giver. 你把已送给人家的东西又要回来了.