第 78 课:Flattery 诌媚-1

Flattery is the name of the game. 奉承是使你吃得开的不二法门.

Flattery paved the way to his post. 诌媚替他的职位铺了路

Flattery will get you everywhere. 诌媚会使你通行无阻.

He butters up everyone trying to make points. 他讨好每一个人,以广结人缘.

They suck up to anyone with money. 他们诌媚任何有钱的人

He sure knows how to rub shoulders with the right people to get ahead. 他很懂得趋炎附势, 以便夤缘上升.

Nice suit. 好漂亮的西装.

You look sharp. Interview? 你穿得这么帅, 去面试吗?

You look spiffy. Hot date tonight? 你打扮得花枝招展, 今晚有热情的约会吗?