第 94 课:Making Mistakes 犯错-5

This is such a glaring error. How did you miss it? 这么明显的错误, 你怎会疏忽呢?

That's a gross negligence. 那是个重大的疏忽.

I've got to be smarter this time. 这次我得学聪明点儿.

All right! All right I made a mistake. I'm only human. 得了, 得了, 我承认我犯了错. 我只不过是个凡人.

I am not perfect, I make mistakes. 我并不完美,我也会做错事.

It's just an honest mistake. 这只是个无心之过.

I'm not perfect. 我并非十全十美.

Live and learn. 活到老学到老.