第 95 课:Blame 怪罪-1

He started it. 都是他闯的祸.

It's Adam. He started all of this. 都是亚当. 他惹来这些麻烦.

This was your idea. I didn't come up with it. 这是你的点子, 不是我想出来的.

He graffitied the wall, but I took the rap for it. 他在墙壁上涂鸦, 结果却是我挨骂.

You did it, didn't you? 你干的好事, 不是吗?

If you didn't do it, who did? Don't try to pass the buck. 不是你干的又会是谁呢别推卸责任.

Don't make me your fall guy. 不要教我替你背黑锅.

Don't make me your patsy. 不要让我替你顶罪.