第 21 课:New Discoveries on Mars 火星上的新发现-1

James Hattori, Host 詹姆斯·哈托利,主持人
Welcome to NEXT@CNN , this week from the Chabot Space and Science Center in the hills of Oakland, California. Hi, everybody, I'm James Hattori. 欢迎来到《CNN科技新时代》,本周从加州奥克兰丘陵地区的CHABOT航天科技中心向您报道。嗨,大家好,我是詹姆斯·哈托利。

You can't tell just by looking, even with the telescopes here, but up on Mars, just beneath the surface, lies what some scientists are calling buried treasure. NASA's Odyssey spacecraft has detected large amounts of hydrogen on the planet. 不光是凭肉眼看不见,即使是用这里的望远镜也无法分辨火星上有什么,但是就在火星地表下面,蕴藏着一些科学家说的“地下宝藏”。美国国家航空航天局的“奥德赛”火星探测器在这个行星上发现了大量的氢。

It's strong and convincing evidence that there's ice there too. And, as Ann Kellan tells us, it raises intriguing new questions about the possibility of life on the Red Planet. 有确凿证据表明,火星上还有冰。安·凯兰告诉我们,此项发现对于这个红色星球上存在生命的可能性提出了一些有趣的新问题。

Ann Kellan, CNN Correspondent 安·凯兰,CNN特派记者
Purple marks the spot. The evidence that there's lots of water on Mars, a potential boon for future space exploration. 那些地方标成紫色。火星上有大量水的证据,对于将来探索宇宙可能大有益处。

Bill Feldman 比尔·费尔德曼
We knew that it was there. We just didn't know that it was going to be that much. So we are ecstatic. 我们早已知道火星上有水,只是以前不知道有这么多,我们为此兴奋不已。

Kellan 凯兰
Substantial amounts of hydrogen were found at the Mars Poles. This NASA image highlights those areas in blue and purple. Scientists suspect hydrogen in these quantities means water, and lots of it. 在火星的两极地区发现了大量的氢。美国国家航空航天局的这幅图像把这些地区用蓝色和紫色加以标注。科学家猜测,大量的氢元素意味着水,而且数量不少。

Actually, scientists think it's water ice, mixed with dirt and rocks, one to two feet underground. From on board the unmanned Mars odyssey spacecraft, instruments that measure gamma rays and neutrons made the discovery. 实际上,科学家认为位于地表之下一至两英尺的冰态水掺杂着泥土和岩石。这个发现归功于无人驾驶的“奥德赛”火星探测器上测量伽玛射线和中子的仪器。

We've all seen earlier images of the Mars surface, which show valleys and canyons. They look like dry river beds, and suggest evidence that this ice trapped underground could have once existed on its surface. Could Mars have had oceans like Earth? 我们都已经见过火星表面的图像,上面显现着山峦和峡谷。它们看起来像干涸的河床,表明埋藏于地下的冰也许曾经位于地表。 火星也曾像地球一样有海洋吗?