JAMES HATTORI 詹姆士·哈托利 We all know technology companies are being hit especially hard right now by the slumping economy. A new report by IBC predicting flat worldwide computer sales this year doesn't help things but some companies are looking to a brighter future. I got a chance this week to see what computer chip maker Intel has up its sleeve in preparation for the next tech boom. 众所周知,高科技公司目前备受经济低迷的打击。IBC在一份最新报告中预计,今年全球电脑销售不会增长,但有些公司却将着眼点放在未来上。本周我有幸看到电脑芯片制造商英特尔如何准备为下一个高科技繁荣期大干一场。
UNIDENTIFIED MALE 男被访者 The idea is to create an optical illusion to make it look like the box is empty.
HATTORI 哈托利 In fact, these playfully home-made computers, including this one made from an old waste basket, are far from empty - they all have Intel inside. 实际上,这些可笑的自制电脑,包括这个旧篮子做的电脑,决不是空的,它们里面都有英特尔芯片。
DEAN LIOU 迪安·刘 It has a G-force-4 (ph) video card and a P-4 (ph) processor - 2.4 gigahertz. Fully functional PC. 这是一个装备有G-force 4的显卡和一个有2.4千兆赫"奔"4处理器的功能全备的个人电脑。
HATTORI 哈托利 Sounds pretty hot. 听起来很"火" 。
LIOU 刘 Oh, yeah, No - it runs cool. 不,它运转很"酷"。
HATTORI 哈托利 Everything at this Intel developers' forum - new laptops that fold into tablets, eye-catching 3-D graphics technologies and this new personal video player coming out next year ... 在这次英特尔开发商论坛上的产品应有尽有,包括可折叠的新型手提电脑, 惹人注目的3D图像技术,还有这个将于明年面世的个人录像播放器……
UNIDENTIFIED MALE 男被访者 On the 20 gigabyte hard drive we can store about 70 hours of video. 在这个20G的硬盘中我们可以存储70小时的录像。
HATTORI 哈托利 ... are the kinds of things on which the giant chip maker is banking its future. 这个芯片巨人将来就靠这些了。