第 35 课:Net-Jet CEO 廉价私人飞机

The corporate jet, long a status symbol in the business world, was about to become an endangered species, a luxury that not many companies could justify. 一直在商业世界中有象征地位的商务专机即将成为濒危物种,没有多少公司可以负担得起这种奢华享受。

But thanks in part to a New Jersey based company called Net-Jets, executives are getting all the perks of private jets, without the exorbitant cost of maintaining a corporate fleet. In this week's Solution Segment, Elina Fuhrman takes a look at this soaring new way to travel. 多亏总部设在新泽西的一家名叫Net-Jets的公司,高层经理们又一次能享受私人飞机的种种好处,而不用支付养护一个机队的高昂费用。在本周的"解决方案"节目里,艾里纳·富尔曼带我们去看看这种迅速发展的旅行新方式。

Long lines, flight delays, endless layovers, baggage checks, and then narrow seats, no food, and safety concerns. Let's face it. Flying is not as much fun as it used to be. But many business people have to fly, sometimes as often as five days a week. 排长队、班机延误、没完没了的中途转机、行李查验、座椅狭小、没吃没喝、担心安全。让我们正视它吧。飞行再也不像往日那么有趣。飞行再也不像往日那么有趣。但是许多商业人士必须搭飞机,有时候一周要飞5天。

Imagine taking no time for check-in, arriving minutes before your flight, and driving your own car right onto the tarmac and to the steps of your plane. Sounds unreal? Enter the world of NetJets. Think about it as a timeshare in the air. 试想一下,不用花时间来验票,在登机前几分钟到就行,驾自己的车直接到达停机坪,然后登上飞机。听起来不现实吗?到NetJets公司去看看吧。这就像一个空中的共享时光。

An exclusive club of some 28 hundred people who own shares of a plane. Participants pay from 375, 000 to almost 25 million, depending on the size of jet and ownership share, plus monthly management and hourly flying fees. The least they can buy is 1/16 for 50 hours a year, and the most, half a plane for 400 hours. 在一个会员制的俱乐部里大约2800人共同拥有一架飞机。根据飞机的大小和拥有的股权,参与者交纳3.75万至大约2500万美元,每月的管理费和每小时的飞行费用另付。他们一年最少要包1/16个飞机价钱,即每年飞行50 小时,最多的可达半个飞机,年飞400小时。

We have special owners, we treat, treat them special. I mean I think we has, have costumer list that's second to none, in any industry, any category. We have the who's who in the world. We, yeah, we call it a very elite club. 我们有特殊顾客,我们以特殊的方式对待。对他们我的意思是我们的顾客在任何行业和类别都是顶尖的。我们有世界名人录中的人物。我们叫它精英俱乐部。

Richard Santulli is the proud father of Net-Jets. 15 years ago, he faced the same travel and time issues that confront many business people today. Spending too much time on the road, and dreaming of an easier way to fly. Santulli thought buying a jet might solve his problems, if three of his friends split the cost with him. 理查德·桑图里是Net-Jet骄傲的创始者。15年前,他面临同今天许多商业人士碰到的一样的旅行和时间问题。路上花费的时间太多,梦想着一个轻松的空中旅行方式。桑图里想,如果他的三个好朋友能够同他一起分担费用,购买一架飞机也许能解决他的问题。

Richard Santulli 理查德·桑图里
I remember one of my friends saying, this is great. I'll use it every Tuesday and Thursday. And then so the another guy, one of the other fellows said, well then I guess I'll use it Wednesday and Friday. And I said, wow, you know, the only reason I have a private airplane was to use it whenever you'd want to. So I said, this can't work. 我记得我的一个朋友说,太棒了。我每周周二和周四用。然后我的另外一个朋友说,那么我想周三和周五用。然后我说,我要有一架私人飞机的惟一原因是我可以随时用它。因此我说,像这么用不行。

So Santulli, a one-time math professor, crunched the numbers and created the mathematical model that made Net-Jets possible. 于是曾经当过数学教授的桑图里,通过数字处理,研制出了一种数学模式,使得Net-Jets成为可能。