第 38 课:Story of World Cup 我的大力神杯

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It's one of the most desired pieces of sculpture in the world. 208 countries fight over it every four years. And in the end, they don't even get to take it home. The icon for this show, is the World Cup trophy. 它是世界上最令人渴望的雕塑,208个国家每4年都会为它而进行一次角逐。而最后,他们甚至都不能将它带回家。它就是本次节目要介绍的世界杯冠军奖杯。

Italian Designer 意大利设计师
"I started working in a factory, that manufactured medals and trophies as an adolescent, when I left school. When FIFA announced the competition for a new World Cup trophy in 1971, I was already very familiar with that type of work. But that time, I tried to do something different. "我离开学校后年纪轻轻就为一家生产奖章和奖杯的工厂工作。1971年,当国际足联征集新的世界杯奖杯方案时,我已经非常熟悉这类工作了,但是,我要尽力做得与众不同。

Italian Designer 意大利设计师
I didn't know who was in the jury, what sorts of thing they might like. So I submitted three different prototypes, complete with drawings and models. The one that was chosen was actually my favorite. It's a true piece of sculpture, representing the energy and dynamism of sport. 我不知道评选团由哪些人组成,不知道他们会喜欢什么样的设计。因此,我提交了三种不同的原型,包括设计图和模型。被选中的设计恰好是我最喜欢的。它确实是一件象征着体育所蕴含的能量和活力的雕塑。

From the base, the figures of two athletics rise in spirals in the compact body of the sculpture. I wanted to convey the sense of jubilation felt at the stirring moment of victory. I think I achieved the purpose. 从基座起,两名运动员的人形沿小巧的雕塑体呈螺旋状向上伸展。我想表达出胜利时刻那种激动人心的感觉。我相信我做到了。

Italian Designer 意大利设计师
Fans around the world certainly seem to like it a lot. Of course, every time I see it, I feel very proud. But my greatest satisfaction was when Italy won the World Cup. 全世界的球迷看起来都很喜欢它。当然,每次看到它的时候,我都非常骄傲。但给我带来最大满足的是看到意大利队获得世界杯冠军那一刻。

Apart from the World Cup, I've designed many other cups. Last year, for example, I designed Cup Ad Fie for FIFA. You see, despite my age, I still work a lot. Work keeps men alive." 除了世界杯,我还设计过许多其他奖杯。比如,去年我为国际足联设计了Ad Fie杯。尽管我已经老了,但仍然不停地工作着,工作使人充满活力。