CNN新闻英语第 43 课:Save the Ancient City 抢救古城 ANCHOR 主播
We begin with a look at the floods that are threatening cities and towns across Europe. Dozens of people have been killed by swelling rivers in Germany, Austria, Russia, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. 让我们首先把目光投向威胁欧洲城镇的洪水。德国、奥地利、俄罗斯、瑞士和捷克已经有数十人死于这场汹涌的灾难。
The situation is particularly difficult in the Czech capital, tens of thousands of people are being evacuated from Prague, which is facing the worst flooding in more than a hundred years. The river Voltava is nearing the top of the city's medieval embankments. Robin Kurno has more now on the floods. 捷克首都布拉格的情势尤其严重,已经有数万人流离失所,他们面临的这次洪灾是百年不遇的。伏尔塔瓦河水位已经接近布拉格中世纪修建的堤岸的顶部。罗宾·库尔诺现在为您详细报道灾情。
These buildings in Prague's city center were built in medieval times, they have stood for centuries. But now much of this historic part of the city is expected to be swallowed up by a deluge of water. Other parts are already submerged. 这些位于布拉格市中心的建筑物始建于中世纪,已经屹立了好几个世纪。但是如今,布拉格城这块历史古迹的大部分可能都会被肆虐的河水吞噬。另外一部分已经被洪水淹没。
This is worst flood in the Czech Republic for more than a century. Almost 50,000 people have been ordered to evacuate the capital and surrounding areas. But many are refusing to go, risking be trapped by the rising waters. 这是捷克一个多世纪以来遭遇的最严重的洪灾。大约有5万人被要求撤离布拉格及其周围地区。但是许多人不愿意走, 宁愿冒着被困在不断上涨的洪水中的危险。
Away from the city center, locals have been desperately trying to save their possessions and property. But they have little chance against the onslaught of water and debris. Frustration is growing. 在远离布拉格市中心处,当地人在绝望中试图挽救自己的财产。但是他们已经无望与洪水和瓦砾的冲击相对抗。失落感在不断地加深。
We live over there, those are our houses, but we can't reach them. There's too much water. 我们在这儿生活,这是我们的家园,但是我们看得见却够不着。水太大了。
Some have lost all they own. 有些人已经一无所有。
Everything is damaged, the television set, the refrigerator, washing machine, microwave, everything. Furniture, clothing... 所有的物品都受损了,电视机、冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、一切的一切。家具、衣物......
The torrential rains have also caused havoc and misery across Europe for days. In Germany, firefighters and soldiers are desperately trying to reinforce strained riverbanks. 这场暴雨还导致整个欧洲数天都处于浩劫和痛苦之中。在德国,消防员和士兵们不顾一切地努力加固岌岌可危的河堤。
They fear the catastrophe could get worse, as dams along the Danube are in danger of breaking. The old town of Basold on the Austrian border was completely submerged. Across Europe, shipping has been shut down, 他们担心当多瑙河沿岸的大坝处于溃决危险的时候,灾难会愈演愈烈。奥地利边境的古城巴守德已经被洪水淹没。整个欧洲的船运被迫停止,
in Austria heavy waters have swept away Russian tourists, landslides have swamped areas of Switzerland, and crops have been decimated in Northern Italy. And still the rains continue. 奥地利的洪水把俄罗斯旅游者卷走了,瑞士一些地区被湮没在泥石流中,意大利北部地区农作物受灾严重。而雨还在不停地下。