ANCHOR 主播 The Japanese Yen is getting a facelift. It's the first major change for the currency in nearly two decades. The government is employing cutting-edge technology in a battle against forgery. 日本钞票正在变脸。这是近20年来日本流通货币首次重大改版。日本政府在同假钞的斗争中使用了最先进的科技,
Pearl ink hollow grams and water marked barcodes will be used to combat technological trends that have made counterfeiting easier. The Japanese government is hoping that the new bank notes will also lift consumers' spirits. 珠光防伪线和水印条形码技术被用来对付日趋容易的伪钞技术。同时,日本政府期望新版纸币能刺激消费。
MASAJURO SHIOKAWA,JAPAN FINACE MINISTER 盐川正十郎,日本大藏大臣 When a new bank note comes out, people are usually looking forward to it. And it brightens up the mood. That's one effect we're looking for. 当新版纸币发行之时,人们总是热切期盼它的出现。它可以鼓舞士气。这也是我们寻求的目的之一。
ANCHOR 主播 A feminist author and microbiologist will be featured on the new notes, a move the finance minister says symbolizes the changes needed to push Japan's staggered economy forward. 一位女作家和一位微生物学家将被印在新版纸币上。这位大藏大臣说,这个举动迎合了推动日本低靡的经济向前发展的需要。