第 54 课:"Seven" Blue Jeans 牛仔裤——不衰的风景-1

Anchor 主播
Ever since Bavarian immigrant Levi Strauss stitched together his first pair of blue jeans back in 1873, Americans have had a love affair with denim. Blue jeans quickly became a fashion necessity, even though the term didn't catch on until the 1960's when it was coined by the baby boomers. 自1873年巴伐利亚移民李维·斯特劳斯缝制了他的第一条蓝色牛仔裤,美国人就对这种厚斜纹棉布钟爱有加。虽然直到20世纪60年代,"蓝色牛仔"一词才被那些"婴儿潮"中出生的"孩子"们叫响,蓝色牛仔早就是追求时尚的必需品。

Now their kids have a brand-new obsession with this aging icon "seven" for all man-kind. The "seven" brand is just 18 months old, already its a hot seller with the fashion forward. But like many brands of the moment, will seven's number soon be up? Jen Rogers takes a look. 现在"婴儿潮"的下一代正为它的新品牌"7"而着迷。虽然"7"牌面市只有18个月,却已经受到时尚一族的追捧。但是像目前许多名牌一样,"7"牌的销量还能上升吗?简·罗杰斯正关注此事。

Producer Jen Rogers 制片人简·罗杰斯
You might never have heard of them, but people in the know certainly have. 您也许还未听说过它们,但是那些追求时尚的人肯定听说过。

Shopper Kimberly Wilson 顾客金百利·威尔逊
I have three pairs already, this is my fourth pair. 我已经有3条牛仔裤了,这是我的第4条。

Jen Rogers 简·罗杰斯
Not a dime spent on advertising yet, still, seven jeans are flying off the shelves. "7"牌虽然没有花一分钱广告费,但仍然销售一空。

Shopper Hannah Graham 顾客汉娜·格雷厄姆
I own four pairs, and they fit really well. 我有4条牛仔裤,它们非常合身。

Jen Rogers 简·罗杰斯
The fit, fans say, is the key to seven's success. 喜欢"7"牌的人说,合身是"7"牌成功的秘诀。

Michael Glasser, Partner, Seven Jeans 迈克尔·格拉瑟 "7"牌牛仔裤公司合伙人
Most people, I don't care what your figure is, look great in our jeans. 绝大多数的人,不管你身材怎么样,穿上我们的牛仔裤效果都特棒。

Peter Koral, CEO, Seven Jeans 彼得·克拉
It's the most amazing thing to me, it's, it's like a drug to these women. 最令我惊奇的是,女人们好像都上了瘾。