CNN新闻英语 第 69 课:Polar Bear Survival Threatened 拯救北极熊GARY STRIEKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT 加里·斯特瑞克, CNN记者
In the Norwegian Arctic, researcher immobilize polar bears with drugs and then fit them with radio collars so they can be tracked by satellite, part of a new study sponsored by WWF, the conservation organization, to monitor how global warming is taking a serious toll on polar bears. 在挪威附近的北冰洋海域,研究者将北极熊麻醉,之后在它们身上安装无线电项圈,并通过卫星跟踪它们的行迹。这是由生态保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)资助的新研究的一部分,它将跟踪观察全球变暖如何对北极熊造成严重损害。
According to experts, arctic sea ice has been shrinking by three percent each decade since the 1970s, and that shortens the season when polar bears can hunt seals and walruses. 据专家称,自20世纪70年代,北冰洋冰层正以每10年3%的速度缩小,这缩短了北极熊捕食海豹和海象的季节。
Its basis for survival is being threatened. The sea ice is melting earlier in the spring, which is sending the polar bears to land earlier without them having developed enough fat reserves to survive the ice free season. By the end of the summer, they're skinny bears and we've seen in places like Hudson Bay that their reproductive success is being jeopardized. 北极熊的生存基础受到了威胁。春天,海面冰层融化时间的提前促使北极熊提早上岸,而这时它们还没有蓄积足够丰厚的脂肪帮助它们挨过无冰期。到了夏末,北极熊变得瘦骨嶙峋。在类似哈得逊河湾这样的地方, 我们发现北极熊的繁衍正受到危害。
This study will find out how the bears are adapting to climate change, where they go and what they do to survive and will monitor the health and condition of polar bears over time. 斯特瑞克
Polar bears are, I think, an important indicator to get an understanding of what's happening in the Arctic. There's a lot of other species that will be affected by climate change and/or pollution, but when you look at it, polar bears are much easier to study in a lot of respects and that we can catch the same individuals over a long period of time. We can follow them for many years and get good insights into what's happening. 我认为,北极熊是我们了解北极变化的重要参照物。季节变化或空气污染同样会影响许多其他的物种,但是当你仔细研究时就会发现,北极熊在许多方面都更容易研究,并且我们能够长年研究某些个体。我们可以对其进行长年跟踪,深入了解变化状况。
WWF says the impact of climate change on polar bears underscores the critical need to reduce carbon pollution, which is widely blamed for global warming and for all nations to sign and ratify the Kyoto protocol on climate change. WWF称,气候变化对北极熊造成的影响进一步说明减少碳化物污染迫在眉睫。碳化物污染被公认为是造成全球变暖的罪魁祸首, 所有国家都应该签署和批准防止气候变暖的《京都协议书》。
The Kyoto Climate Treaty requires all nations to reduce their carbon emissions so that the negative impacts of climate change can be halted. It's the only global effort to fight climate change, and it's a good step forward in the right direction.
Experts now say if the trend continues, in 100 years by the end of each summer, there will be no ice at all in the Arctic Ocean. 专家们称,如果按这样的发展趋势,100年后,每到夏末,北冰洋将变成汪洋大海。