第 77 课:Health Tips 保健小贴士

Tea drinkers, take heart. Research done in the Boston area indicates drinking at least two cups of black or green tea a day could reduce your chance of dying after a heart attack by 44 percent. 喜好喝茶的朋友,偷着乐吧。据一项来自波士顿地区的研究发现,每天喝两杯以上的红茶或绿茶将使突发心脏病的死亡机率降低44%。

Scientists believe there's something in tea that protects the heart. Researchers studied 1,900 heart attack survivors for four years. Even the patients who drank fewer than 14 cups a week had a 28 percent lower death rate than those who didn't drink any tea at all. 科学家认为茶中含有某种保护心脏的物质。4年来,研究者调查了1900名突发心脏病而幸存下来的人们.发现即使病人每周喝茶不足14杯,他们突发心脏病死亡的机率也比从不喝茶的人低28%。

And finally, "Consumer Reports" magazine went straight to the source to find out which diet works best. According to 32,000 dieters the magazine talked with, the overwhelming majority of successful losers said exercise made the difference, not food deprivation. 一本名为《消费报告》的杂志直接调查了瘦身人群,以期找出最有效的瘦身方式。根据该杂志访谈的32,000名瘦身者,绝大多数瘦身成功人士认为,是锻炼而不是节食,令他们焕然一新,告别了昔日的肥胖。

However, the dieters stayed with traditional healthy foods, and most claimed it was dieting on their own, and not on expensive diet programs, that worked. 但这些瘦身成功人士每天坚持吃传统健康食品,他们中的大多数人声称减肥瘦身完全靠自己,而不是那些价格昂贵的瘦身计划。靠自己完全可以成功瘦身。