CNN新闻英语第 86 课:Alicia Silverstone 阿莱希娅·西尔维斯通——一路星途-2 Silverstone 西尔维斯通
I was the Aerosmith chick, and I was like, I'm an actress. 我其实只是"史密斯飞船"的花瓶,但我觉得我已经是一名女演员了。
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Movie executives were attracted to Silverstone's California girl looks. 加州少女西尔维斯通的美丽容貌引起了电影公司老板的注意。
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In 1995, at 18, she was cast for the lead in a contemporary remake of Jane Austin's Emma. 1995年,18岁的西尔维斯通在当代版的简·奥斯丁的《爱玛》中担纲主角。
Movie lines 电影对白
Silverstone --"Oh, get off of me. " 西尔维斯通--"走开,讨厌。"
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The movie, renamed "Clueless" scored huge with audiences. Silverstone's betrayal of Cher, a Beverly hills valley girl, made her a star. 这部被重新命名为《独领风骚》电影在观众中引起轰动,获得了巨大成功。西尔维斯通也凭借片中贝弗利山富家女孩雪儿这一角色一炮走红。
Movie lines 电影对白
Silverstone --"You're about to become compost." 西尔维斯通--"你都快成臭大粪了。"
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In 1997, Silverstone traded her designer clothes for a batgirl suit. 1997年,西尔维斯通将时尚装束换成了蝙蝠女侠衣。
Movie lines 电影对白
Batman "And you are?" "Batgirl." 蝙蝠侠--"你是?""蝙蝠女。"
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She starred in "Batman and Robin", the 3rd sequel to the original "Batman" movie. At 18, she became one of Hollywood's highest-paid actresses. 她出演了蝙蝠侠系列影片第三部《蝙蝠侠和罗宾》。18岁那年,西尔维斯通跻身好莱坞片酬最高的女影星行列。