第 9 课:Craft Store Booming in USA 手工艺品美国热卖-2

Laura Richardson 劳拉·理查森
Well, Wall Street's willing to take an industry whenever they see, you know, good sales and earnings growth. Then in the case of the craft's retailers, for really the last year or more, they've had better sales growth and better earnings growth than most other types of retailers. 不管什么时候,华尔街都愿意接受一个销售业绩好而且盈利增长的行业。就工艺品的零售商来说,过去一年或更长的时间中,他们的销售业绩和收入比大多数其他类型的零售商要多。

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Hobby stores do well when the economy slows. Some people would rather make it themselves and save money. And it's cheap entertainment. The hobbyist on average spends just 18 dollars during a visit to a store. Rita Bueti makes gifts for her daughter to give out at Christmas. 趣味商店在经济增长缓慢的时候必有好业绩。有的人更愿意自己动手做,这样省钱。而趣味工艺品是便宜的娱乐方式。爱好者每次去商店平均花18美元。丽塔·布提为她的女儿们做圣诞节的礼物。

Rita Bueti, Hobbyist 丽塔·布提,工艺品爱好者
Instead of going out and buying the gifts spending a fortune on it, which, you know, doesn't mean a thing. You know. I make the gift, and I give it to them, and they keep it forever. 我不出去花大把钱买礼品,那没什么意义。我亲自做礼物,然后送给她们,而她们将之永久珍藏。

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And it's not just older folks, more kids are getting into crafts, thanks to grandparents like Barbara Calabrese. 由于有了像芭芭拉·卡拉布里亚这样的祖父母,不仅老人们对工艺品有兴趣,更多的孩子对此也发生了兴趣。

Barbara Calabrese, Hobbyist 芭芭拉·卡拉布里亚,工艺品爱好者
My motto is, they should be taught, instead of bought. So the quality time that we spend together, and between my yelling and screaming, like I said, I'm no martyr, but we enjoy, the kids are enjoying it more. 我的座右铭是他们应该自己学会,而不是花钱买。我们在一起度过了美好的时光,尽管我有时又叫又嚷,但如我说的,我不是苦行僧,但我们很喜欢,这些孩子们更喜欢这些。

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Some man was pointing out there is room for consolidating in this fragmented industry. The two largest, Michaels and Jo-Ann together, command just 14% of the market. The hobby industry isn't scared off by forecast calling for weak holiday sales. 有人指出,这个分块的行业仍有整合的空间。两个最大的公司Michaels和Jo-Ann加起来的市场占有率仅有14%。疲软的假日销售预测没有把工艺品行业吓坏。

Michaels, Jo-Ann and A.C. Moore recently lifted their profit forecasts for the year. Michaels is doing a better job of keeping the shelves fully stocked with everything from apples to zinnias. So selling more items at full price fattening its bottom line. Michaels、Jo-Ann和A.C. Moore最近将公司本年度的利润预报提高了。Michaels公司略胜一筹,货架上摆满了从苹果到百日菊的各色商品。以全价售出多样化的商品使得公司利润增加。

Don Tesoro, District Manager, Michaels Stores 唐·特色拉,Michaels商店地区经理
If we would have rate our stores on a scale of 1 to 10 right now, we're probably about a 5, which means that we just have tremendous opportunity to keep this trend going. 如果我们按照1到10打分评级的话,我们可能只能得5分,这意味着我们还有极大的机会来维持这种增长趋势。

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Longer terms analysts are bullish. Those thousands of new homebuyers will need to spruce up their castles. And many will buy fabric to make their own curtains. And as baby boomers are aging, more make opt to pick up the scissors.