第 107 课:检查信箱- 2

A: Can I speak to Nicole? This is Jimmy in apartment 309.
B: Hi, Jimmy. This is Nicole. What's happening?
A: You probably never heard this one before.
B: Don't bet on it. I've been an apartment manager for a long time.
A: I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my mailbox key.
B: Well, that's pretty minor. I lost my car keys and house keys once.
A: To make matters worse, I can't find my duplicate either.
B: If you want, come over here and I'll lend you a key.
A: No, there's nothing vital in the mailbox. Just junk and bills.
B: If you can wait until Wednesday, I'll make two more keys for you.
A: Wednesday's fine.
B: Okay, I'll bring them by Wednesday. Have $4 ready for me.