第 335 课:检查身体-2
A: Hello, so how are we feeling today?
B: Things are going well for me, Dr. Smith.
A: Am I correct in thinking that you are here for your annual physical?
B: Yes, I am applying for new health insurance, and I need a physical examination to qualify.
A: Your basic physical exam will include lungs, heart, blood levels, and eyes, ears, and nose.
B: I've been having a little trouble breathing. Would you look into that, please?
A: We can do an allergy test, and later I can send you for an asthma test.
B: I would appreciate it. When you give me a blood test, what are you looking for?
A: I am going to check your cholesterol, blood sugar, and white blood cell count.
B: I am expecting the tests to go well. I have been taking good care of myself.