第 409 课:观光建议-3

A: Hi! I need some sightseeing advice.
B: That's what I'm here for, sir. Every good hotel has a concierge like me.
A: I don't travel a lot. What exactly is a concierge?
B: A concierge helps visitors like you find great places to visit, shop, and eat.
A: That's great! So tell me, where should I go first?
B: I'd suggest that you start at the Statue of Liberty.
A: You know, I've already been there. Can you suggest another place?
B: Maybe. Tell me what you like to do in your spare time.
A: When I have some free time, I often spend it running or at museums.
B: Well, have you ever been to either Central Park or the Museum of Modern Art?
A: No, but I sure would like to.
B: Central Park is great for just about everything outdoors. Then you can visit the Museum of Modern Art.
A: Both places sound great. I'll try to do that today.
B: Enjoy the views at both places.