第 12 课:Law 法律-2

It can hardly be taken to be a guarantee that every law shall treat every person the same. 不能保证每一部法律都能平等地对待每一个人。

Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it. 没有威慑力的法律绝对不会具有效力。

Law does not compel a man to do what he is impossible to perform. 法律不能强迫人去做不可为之事。

Law governs man , reason the law. 法律管制人,理性管法律。

Law is a pervasive feature of social life that profoundly affects us. 法在社会生活中无处不在,深刻地影响着我们。

Law is a exercise in communication between authority and the public. 法律是当权者与大众之间进行交流的一种运作方式。

Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good. 法律是维护公众利益的理性条令。

Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the commonwealth. 法律是全体公民一致同意所决定意见之表达。

Law is both an instrument of change and a result of changes. 法律既是变革的工具又是诸多变革的结果。

Law is established for the benefit of man. 法是为人类利益而制定的。