第 16 课:Law 法律-6

The powers and duties are conferred on the tribunal by the statutory code. 成文法典赋予法庭权力与责任.

The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases. 法律理由消失,法律本身也不存在.

The safety of the people is the supreme law. 人民的安全是最高的法律.

The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice. 最严厉的法律有时会造成最大的不公.

This document is legally binding. 该法律文件具有法律约束力.

This law is in abeyance. 此法暂缓执行.

This law has become a dead letter. 此法已成为一纸空文.

This law will go into effect on the day of its promulgation. 本法自公布之日起施行.

Where law ends, tyranny begins. 法律的终点便是暴政的起点.

Where there are uncertainties, there are no laws. 法律必须具有确定性.