第 22 课:Offense 犯罪-3

He was accused of murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。

He was arrested for disorderly conduct in the street. 他因在街在有妨害治安行为而被捕。

He was arrested on suspicion of being an accessory to the crime. 他因涉嫌同谋犯罪被捕。

He was brought to court and charged with rape. 他被带到法庭并被指控犯有强奸罪。

He was charged with trafficing in drugs. 他被指控非法习卖毒品。

He was cleared of all charges. 他被洗去所有指控罪名。

He was found guilty by the court-martial and sentenced to imprisonment. 军事法庭判他有罪并判他坐牢。

He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守。

He was indicted for murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。

He was prosecuted for embezzlement. 他被指控犯罪侵占信托财产。