第 27 课:Company law 公司法-2

The company is presumed to be still solvent. 公司被推定仍有偿还能力。

The company is resisting the takeover bid. 该公司正在抵制以接管为目的的高价征购股份.

The company's action was completely legal. 公司的行为完全合法。

The domicile of a legal person or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment. 法人和其他非法人组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。

The legal adviser recommended applying for an injunction against the directors of the company. 法律顾问建议申请针对公司董事会的强制令。

The major methods used to reconstitute the company are acquisition of companies and merging. 公司重组的方式有公司收购和公司兼并。

The profits and losses of the equity joint venture shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their contributions of the registered capital. 合资企业各方应按其出资额在注册资本中的比例分享利润及亏损。

The resolution was invalid because the shareholder's meeting was not quorate. 因股东大会不够法定人数,故该决议无效。

The right to vote at shareholder's meetings for the election of directors shall be observed. 应该遵守股东大会上投票选举董事的表决权。

The two companies have merged. 两个公司已经兼并。