第 12 课:Expressing Opinions 表示意见-1

What would you do if you were rich? What do you say? 如果有一天你发了财,打算做什么? 你的意见如何?

The arguments cut both ways. 这场辩论,正反面都说得通。

Quit being so indecisive. Make a stand. 别举棋不定,表明你的立场吧。

It has potential. Could I say a word? 这有远景。我可以插一句话吗?

Let me have my say. Hear me out! 让我也表示一下我的意见你听我把话说完嘛!

That's one way of looking at it. 这也不失为一种看法。

There are two sides to every story. 每件事都少不了正反两面的说辞。